Joint seminars 39
Title: Quantum effects in relativistic laser-plasma Interactions and quantum free electron lasers
Speaker: Bengt E. Eliasson, Institut für Theoretische Physik, NB7/36, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 4D-4780 Bochum, Germany
Time and place: 2:00pm-3:00pm, Oct 29 (Monday), 2012, 601 Pao Yue-Kong Library
We present relativistic models of the interaction between quantum plasmas and intense electromagnetic radiation. The models are based on collective Schroedinger, Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations to describe the dynamics of the electrons, which are coupled with the Maxwell and Poisson equations for the self-consistent electromagnetic and electrostatic fields. The models are used to investigate the nonlinear propagation and self-induced transparency of electromagnetic waves in a dense quantum plasma, and parametric instabilities giving rise to the localization of waves by the modulational instability and back-scattered waves by a Raman-type instability. Applications of the collective Klein-Gordon-Maxwell model to quantum X-ray free electron lasers, where an electromagnetic wiggler interacts with a relativistic electron beam to generate tunable X-ray radiation, are also discussed.
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