
INPAC-Seminar 114:Recent Higgs and BSM search results from LHC experiments (Dr. Xin Chen, Dec.07, 2012)

Release date:2012-12-07 Page views:996

INPAC-Seminar 114

Title: Recent Higgs and BSM search results from LHC experiments

Speaker: Dr. Xin Chen, University of Wisconsin, USA

Time and place: 12:30-13:30, December 7 (Friday), 2012, Lecture Hall/INPAC



The recent discovery of a Higgs-like particle represents a major milestone in the particle physics. However, many of this particle's properties remain to be determined, and some of its decay modes are not seen yet. I will first recap the results in the discovery channels, and then present the recently updated results in the WW, tautau and bbar decay modes, which are tougher than the diphoton and ZZ channels and require more data to be analyzed, from both ATLAS and CMS experiments. It is generally believed that SM with a Higgs field is an incomplete picture of physics. For possible beyond the Standard Model physics, I will briefly give the SUSY and Exotics search results with ATLAS in the final part of my talk.

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