Design and synthesis of new carbon materials have been attracting intensive attention due to their application in various fields. The application of high pressure provides an effective method to generate carbon material with excellent properties, a classical example is the transformation from graphite to diamond which has wide band gap with a combination of superior properties, such as the highest hardness, the highest room temperature thermal conductivity and feasible doping,etc. High pressure is also a powerful approach to the creation of novel structured carbon materials which is hardly discovered at ambient condition because of the appearance of nanometer scale size effect and the novel high pressure behavior when using nano carbon material as precursor. Deeply understanding those unusual high pressure structures and physical phenomena also unveils new aspects of the intrinsic physics of nanomaterials. Fullerene, for example C60 is an important member and a representative zero-dimensional nano material in carbon family which has twice as much bulk modulus as diamond. It provides us an ideal carbon source to study novel phase and design new carbon materials induced by high pressure. In this presentation, several examples on high pressure induced novel structural phase transition in recently studied typical nano-confined fullerene will be outlined, including unique long range ordered crystal with amorphous nano clusters as building blocks (OACC) in solvated C60 and C70 crystals which brings new physical insight to understand order and disorder concept and new approach to design superhard carbon materials[1-3], a new carbon allotrope with a fully sp3 bonded monoclinic structure (termed V carbon) from compressed C70 inside of single wall nanotubes (C70 peappod)[4], also a novel 3D network with amorphous building blocks from the fullerene and cubane reaction [5] .These findings present a new strategy for constructing new carbon and superhard materials with application of high pressure and nano-carbon material as building blocks.
Prof. Bingbing LIU received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Jilin University, China, in 1989 and 1995, respectively. She joined the faculty of the State Key Lab of Superhard Materials of Jilin University after graduation. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Physics, Umea University, Sweden, from 1999 to 2001. She became an associate professor (1998), full professor (2001) of Jilin University. She was selected Changjiang professor in 2009, supported by the NSFC for Distinguished Young Scholars of China in 2010 . She is currently the director of State Key of Superhard Materials. Her research is devoted to high pressure induced novel structure and physical property of various materials, including carbon and metal oxide nano materials. She has published over 300 peer reviewed journal articles including Science, PRL, Adv. Mater.