In high energy and nuclear physics experiments, total absorption electromagnetic calorimeters (ECAL) made of inorganic crystals are known for decades for their superb energy resolution and detection efficiency. A crystal ECAL is thus the choice for those experiments where precision measurements of photons and electrons are crucial for their physics missions. For future HEP experiments at the energy and intensity frontiers, however, the crystal detectors are either not bright or fast enough, or not radiation hard enough. Significant degradation of crystal performance, for example, was observed in a severe radiation environment, such as the LHC. Novel crystal detectors are continuously being discovered and developed in academia and in industry. This paper discusses several R&D directions for the next generation of crystal calorimeters for future HEP experiments. A compact LYSO crystal based shashlik calorimeter is designed for future HEP experiment at an extreme harsh radiation environment, such as the proposed HL-LHC, where thin crystal plates are used as the sensitive medium to reduce the light path length and thus the radiation damage effect. A BaF2 crystal based fast calorimeter is being considered for future HEP experiment at the intensity frontier, such as Mu2e-II. Crystal detectors have also been proposed to build a Homogeneous Hadron Calorimeter (HHCAL) to achieve unprecedented jet mass resolution by duel readout of both Cherenkov and scintillation light, where development of cost-effective crystal detectors is a crucial issue because of the huge crystal volume required. Progresses along these research directions will be reported. Future development will be discussed.
Ren Yuan Zhu earned his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University in 1968 and received his Ph.D in high energy physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983. He is now a professor in the Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy Division, California Institute of Technology. Over the last three decades, Ren-Yuan Zhu and his colleagues have been involved in the successful development of scintillating crystals for precision crystal electromagnetic calorimeter in high energy physics, such as the L3 BGO, BaBar CsI(Tl) and CMS PWO. Several Advanced Detector Research awards and Collider Detector Research and Development awards were received from DOE Science Office for the development of PWO, LSO/LYSO and other cost-effective crystals for future HEP experiments at the energy and intensity frontiers.
Host: Dr. Yang Yong Yong.YANG@sjtu.edu.cn