Topological materials have become the focus of intense research in recent years, since they exhibit fundamentally new physical phenomena with potential applications for novel devices and quantum information technology. One of the hallmarks of topological materials is the existence of protected gapless surface states, which arise due to a nontrivial topology of the bulk wave functions. We consider both fully gapped and gapless topological materials and their classification in terms of non-spatial symmetries, such as time-reversal, as well as spatial symmetries, such as reflection. The classification of these systems is discussed by use of Dirac Hamiltonian presentation. This talk will also reveal the recent development of topological semimetals including Weyl semimetals and topological nodal lines.
Dr. Ching-Kai Chiu is a postdoctoral fellow in the University of Maryland. He received his B.S. degrees in physics and mathematics from National Taiwan University in 2006 and started his Ph.D at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2007. After his graduation in 2013, he started to work Majorana fermions in superconductor platforms with Dr. Marcel Franz in the University of British Columbia. In July 2013, he joined the Condensed Matter Theory Center under Dr. Sankar Das Sarma’s supervision. He have predicted and classified novel topological states of matter and worked on several platforms of topological superconductors that host stable Majoarana zero modes.