
Introduction to particle accelerators and future energy frontier e+e- colliders

日期:2013-11-06 阅读:1384


In this lecture, different types of accelerators will be introduced, especially those in China.
Accelerator beam dynamics and technologies will be briefly introdued. As for future energy frontier e+e- colliders, we will focus on introducing International Linear Collider(ILC), and Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) in China.


131106.jpgJie Gao, born on Nov. 16, 1961, BSc. Tsinghua Univ. (1983), M.Sc. Tsingua Univ (1986), PhD Univ. of Paris XI, Orsay (1992), Habilitation à diriger des recherches, University Univ of Paris XI (1996).

During 1989-1990, Laboratoire de L’Accéléteur Linéaire,CNRS-In2p3,France, Visiting Scientist. During 1990-1992, Laboratoire de L’Accéléteur Linéaire,CNRS-IN2P3,France, Foreign Scientist.

During 1993-2004, permanent position of Accelerator Physicist at Laboratory of Linear Accelerator, CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France. Since 2005, Professor of  Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China, , ILC group leader. Asia Linear Collider Steering Committee Chairman, Linear Collider Board Member, ICFA Beam Dynamics panel Member. 中科院百人计划,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,全国政协委员。

Research interest: High energy particle accelerator physics and technology, colliders

Main research field: more than 20 years experience on e+e linear and circular colliders. Electron linear accelerator theory and structure design, beam dynamics in linac, wakefield calculations. Rf gun theory and experiments. Storage ring theory, such as beam-beam effect, dynamic aperture, bunch lengthening, transverse instability, space change and electron cloude effects. Halo formation in high current lianc. Storage ring e+e- collider design. Linear collider design, damping ring, emittance growth, final focus. 1.3GHz and 650Mhz superconducting accelerator technology development.

Current research mainly focuses on ILC and CLIC study as ILC group leader, Asia Linear Collider Steering Committee Chairman, and Linear Collider Board Member. 1.3GHz Superconducting accelerator technology development and 650MHz accelerating structure study for ADS. CEPC+SPPC accelerator design. Laser plasma acceleration study.


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