
Forefront Accelerators and Their Sciences in Japan

日期:2013-09-11 阅读:1442


Five Forefront Accelerator Facilities in Japan are introduced. The talk covers:
1)  B-Factory which clarified CKM matrix and discovered many meson resonances, along with its rent upgrade to Super-B,
2)  SPring-8 + SACRA-XFEL Facilities to produce synchrotron radiations with their rich physics,
3)  RI Beam Factory with heavy-ion accelerators to produce unstable nuclear beams and its sciences,
4)  J-PARC Facility with high-intensity protons to produce neutrinos (T2K), neutrons, hadrons and muons, and their recent neutrino data and neutron data, and
5)  HIMAC with carbon beams for a large number of cancer treatments.
Finally, the importance of Asian planning for large projects,including accelerators, will be discussed.


Shoji Nagamiya is Science Advisor at RIKEN. He is also a Professor at KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization).

He received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1967 from University of Tokyo and Doctor of Science degree in 1972 from Osaka University.  From 1972 he was appointed as Assistant Professor at University of Tokyo (1972-1977), Staff Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (1975-1982), Associate Professor at University of Tokyo (1982-1988), Professor at Columbia University (1986-1997), Professor at University of Tokyo (1997), and Professor at KEK (1997-2009).  In 2006 he was appointed as the Director of J-PARC Center (until 2012).

He served as a chair of the Department of Physics at Columbia University (1991-1994).  He has also served as chair of IUPAP C12 Commission (2002-2005), Science Council of Japan (chair of Physics and later Secretary of the Natural Science Section) (2005-2011), President of Physical Society of Japan (2010-2011), President of Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (2011-2014), etc.

Research Interests:  Relativistic heavy-ion physics at the GSI, AGS, SPS and RHIC energy domains. He was serving as spokespersons at the Bevalac and also at the AGS. He was also the first spokesperson of PHENIX at RHIC at BNL. During the past sixteen years, his main job has been to promote construction and operation of the J-PARC project, where J-PARC stands for Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex.


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