Vortex dynamics is an excellent example of emerging behavior. It plays important role in both basic and applied research with wide range of applications. For example, it is responsible for the flight of airplanes and is a key factor for the applications of superfluids and superconductors. I will discuss vortex dynamics from Landau’s fiat on its absence in his Nobel prize winning work on theory of superfluid helium in the current setting. During past two decades there are huge activities on vortex matter in both superfluids and superconductors. However, the discussion of its fundamental equation of motion from microscopic theories has been sparse. I will thus talk about our effort to clarify various theoretical issues on vortex dynamics and why they are so difficult. I will also discuss a few experimental efforts to test the fundamental equation and implications in more general terms.
Suggested references: 1. Berry's Phase and the Magnus Force for a Vortex Line in a Superconductor,Ao & Thouless, PRL 70, 2158 (1993); 2. Microscopic Theory of Vortex Dynamics in Homogeneous Superconductors, Ao & Zhu, PR B60, 6850 (1999);3. Lessons from vortex dynamics in super media,Ao, cond-mat/0407007
敖平教授 1983年6月于北京大学获得学士学位;1990年6月于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校大学获博士学位;1997年任瑞典Umea大学理论物理系副教授;2000.4 - 2008.8先后任美国系统生物学研究所, 高级研究科学家;美国凯克生命科学研究院, 副教授;美国华盛顿大学机械工程系,副教授;2008.9回国后任上海交通大学特聘教授,教育部国家高层次人才奖励计划特聘教授。
1.生物演化理论; 2.全局代谢网络动力学模型的建立;3.癌症内源网络理论和动力学模型的建立;4.发展计算工具:随机过程、统计方法;5.非平衡过程;6.宏观量子现象