Explore quantities which connect quantum phase transition (QPT) and entanglement are issues of current interest. In this talk, I report our group’s efforts in searching such quantities by studying several well known quantum many-body systems such as the extended Hubbard model and quantum spin models. First we introduce a few computable quantities one can use to measure the entanglement. Then we present our results of model studies. We show some general features of entanglement which signify QPT and argue the important role played by the low-lying excitation spectra reconstruction near the QPT in identifying the behavior of the entanglement. It is hoped that a unified and intuitive picture on the relation between the QPT and the entanglement could be given. We also discuss connection to physical measurement of entanglement. If time permits, I briefly introduce our recent work on magnetism and superconductivity.
林海青教授,1981年中国科学技术大学学士,1983年美国Iowa州立大学硕士,1987年美国加州大学San Diego分校物理学博士。曾任美国Brookhaven国家实验室副研究员、美国Los Alamos国家实验室副研究员、美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign物理系Research Assistant Professor。1995年至今香港中文大学物理系。2009年8月任中国工程物理研究院、北京计算科学研究中心主任。主要从事凝聚态物理和计算物理的研究。研究兴趣包括:强关联系统,量子纠缠和量子相变,以及多体系统的数值方法。