Colloquia (2022.09-2022.12)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Fall 2022 colloquia will be held on Wednesday, at 4:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 3:45 p.m.)
No. | Date | Speaker Institute | Title | Host | |
1 | 09-08 | 樊巍 Science/AAAS(外联副总监) | 《科学》系列期刊和高影响力文章的发表 | 王伟 | |
2 | 09-17 | Udo Schwarz Yale University | Visualizing the Atomic World | 郑浩 | |
3 | 09-21 | 曾长凎 中科大 | Interlayer Drag Effects in Graphene-based Electronic Double-layer Systems | 郑浩 | |
4 | 09-28 | 张春峰 南京大学 | 光电转换分子的激发态动力学 | 何峰 | |
5 | 10-12 | 刘进 中山大学 | 片上高性能微腔光源 | 陈玉萍 | |
6 | 10-19 | 袁辉球 浙江大学 | 重费米子超导与量子相变 | 郑浩 | |
7 | 10-26 | 何建军 清华大学高等研究院 | 锦屏深地核天体物理实验揭示古老恒星钙丰度之谜 | 孙扬 | |
8 | 11-02 | 邓友金 中国科学技术大学 | Cancelled | 许霄琰 | |
9 | 11-09 | 戴子高 中科大 | 快速射电暴研究:过去、现在和未来 | 沈俊太 | |
10 | 11-16 | 乔宾 北京大学 | 基于大型激光装置的发现科学:天体现象实验室模拟 | 闫文超 | |
11 | 11-23 | 温良剑 中科院物理所 | 中微子实验研究 | 杨海军 | |
12 | 11-30 | 周磊 复旦大学 | Metasurfaces: Physics and Applications | 钟晓霞 | |
13 | 12-07 | 刘晓为 云南大学 | Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto) | 沈俊太 | |
14 | 12-14 | 苏萌 香港大学、起源太空科技 | 利用商业化低成本航天器开展天文观测、在轨科学实验、与深空科学探测 | 沈俊太 | |
15 | 12-21 | 马仁敏 北京大学物理学院 | 微纳光场调控与激光 | 袁璐琦 |
Colloquia (2022.02-2022.06)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Spring 2022 colloquia will be held on Wednesday, at 4:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 3:45 p.m.)
No. | Date | Speaker Institute | Title | Host | |
1 | 02-16 | 孟杰 北京大学 | 原子核结构的相对论第一性原理研究 | 陈黎明 | |
2 | 02-23 | 詹其文 上海理工大学 | 光场时空调控及其应用 | 谢国强 | |
3 | 03-02 | 肖志刚 清华大学 | 重离子碰撞与核物质状态方程 | 何红建 | |
4 | 03-09 | Jeff Xu 华为海思/复旦大学 | 半导体技术创新史和未来趋势 | 陈国瑞 | |
5 | 03-16 | 薛永泉 中科大 | X-raying the Hot and Energetic Universe (用X射线透视炽热、高能的宇宙) | 沈俊太 | |
6 | 03-23 | 程金光 中科院物理所 | 高压下的新超导材料探索和非常规超导电性研究 | 郑浩 | |
7 | 03-30 | 雒建林 中科院物理所 | 非常规超导体探索 | 贾金锋 | |
8 | 04-06 | 蒋建华 苏州大学 | Seeing topological quantum effects in synthetic materials | 袁璐琦 | |
9 | 04-12 | 徐莉梅 北京大学 | How to understand the anomalous phase behaviors of water | 郑浩 | |
10 | 04-20 | 温良剑 中科院高能所 | Canceled | 杨海军 | |
11 | 04-27 | 吴克辉 中科院物理所 | 光集成STM技术与低维材料物性研究 | 贾金锋 | |
12 | 05-11 | 孟子杨 香港大学 | Model design and computation in quantum many-body systems 量子多体问题中的模型设计与计算 | 许霄琰 | |
13 | 05-18 | 韩良 中国科学技术大学 | What can we learn from the precise electroweak measurements at the LHC ? 从电弱测量到质子结构 | 李数 | |
14 | 05-25 | 刘开辉 北京大学 | 米级二维单晶的原子制造及应用 | 陶海华 | |
15 | 06-01 | 常进 国家天文台 | 空间探测暗物质粒子 | 沈俊太 |
Colloquia (2021.09-2022.01)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Autumn 2021 colloquia will be held on Wednesday, at 4:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 3:45 p.m.)
No. | Date | Speaker Institute | Title | Host | |
1 | Sep. 15 | 程亚 华东师范大学 | 超限制造:极端非线性光学新原理引发的支柱产业变革机会 | 贾金锋 | |
2 | Sep. 29 | 王峰 中物院 | 激光惯性约束聚变技术与应用 | 陈民 | |
3 | Oct. 13 | 周兴江 中国科学院物理所 | 高温超导体研究进展 | 张文涛 | |
4 | Oct. 20 | 梁恩维 广西大学 | 从暂现到永恒——引力波电磁对应体和宇宙重元素的合成 | 沈俊太 | |
5 | Oct. 27 | 陆培祥 华中科技大学 | 强场超快光学 | 贾金锋 | |
6 | Nov. 10 | 仲佳勇 北京师范大学 | 强激光实验室天体物理研究进展 | 陈黎明 | |
7 | Nov. 17 | 汪忠 清华大学 | Non-Hermitian edge burst | 袁璐琦 | |
8 | Dec. 8 | 姚裕贵 北京理工大学 | Encyclopedia of emergent particles in three-dimensional crystals | 贾金峰 | |
9 | Dec. 8 | 张丰收 北京师范大学 | Progress in transport models in heavy ion collisions | 赵玉民 | |
10 | Dec. 15 | 何珂 清华大学 | 在磁性拓扑绝缘体中探索实现高温量子反常霍尔效应 | 贾金峰 | |
11 | Dec. 22 | 李向东 南京大学 | 缺失的黑洞 | 沈俊太 | |
12 | Dec. 29 | 宋清海 哈工大(深圳) | 基于超构表面的涡旋光的产生与探测 | 万文杰 | |
13 | Jan. 5 | 江颖 北京大学 | 轻元素体系的核量子效应研究和调控 | 贾金峰 | |
14 | Jan. 12 | 刘建北 中科大 | 超级陶粲装置上的探测器 | 韩柯 |
Colloquia (2021.03-2021.06)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Spring 2021 colloquia will be held on Wednesday, at 4:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 3:45 p.m.)
No. | Date | Speaker Institute | Title | Host | |
1 | February 24 | Prof. Maohai Xie Hong Kong University | 关于单层MoSe2 中一维镜面畴界之电子态的空间调制问题 | Prof. Jinfeng Jia | |
2 | March 06 | Prof. Biao Lian Princeton University | Correlated insulators and excitations in twisted bilayer graphene | Prof. Hao Zheng | |
3 | March 10 | Prof. Di Li National Astronomical Observatories of China | The Early Sciences from FAST | Prof. Juntai Shen | |
4 | March 17 | Prof. Luis Ho Peking University | The Impact of Supermassive Black Holes on Galaxy Formation and Fundamental Physics | Prof. Juntai Shen | |
5 | March 24 | Prof. Guorui Chen Shanghai Jiao Tong University | Moiré Avengers | Prof. Jinfeng Jia | |
6 | March 31 | Prof. Haijun Zhang Nanjing University | Tunable dynamical magnetoelectric effect in antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 films | Prof. Hao Zheng | |
7 | April 07 | Prof. Xuefeng Wu Purple Mountain Observatory | 宇宙暂现源高精度检验相对论基本假设 | Prof. Juntai Shen | |
8 | April 14 | Prof. Yuxin Leng Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS | 重频超强超短激光及其前沿应用 | Prof. Min Chen | |
9 | April 21 | Prof. Lei Wang Institute of Physics, CAS | Neural Canonical Transformations | Prof. Zi Cai | |
10 | April 28 | Prof. Binghai Yan Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel | Topological materials: Berry phase and more | Prof. Hao Zheng | |
11 | May 12 | Prof. Ying Gu Peking University | 微纳尺度腔量子电动力学及应用 | Prof. Luqi Yuan | |
12 | May 19 | Prof. Weiping Liu China Institute of Atomic Energy | JUNA最新进展 | Prof. Yumin Zhao | |
13 | May 26 | Prof. Zhen Cao Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS | LHAASO实验最新进展 | Prof. Haijun Yang | |
14 | June 02 | Prof. Huanyang Chen Xiamen University | Prof. Yuping Chen | ||
15 | June 09 | Prof. Tianjiao Liang Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS | 中国散裂中子源进展 | Prof. Liming Chen | |
16 | June 16 | Prof. Xinpei Lu Huazhong University of Science and Technology | Prof. Xiaoxia Zhong | ||
17 | June 23 | 14:30-15:30 Prof. Xingjiang Zhou Institute of Physics, CAS | Prof. Wentao Zhang | ||
18 | June 23 | 16:00-17:00 Prof. Guangyu Zhang Institute of Physics, CAS | Prof. Zhiwen Shi |
Colloquia (2020.09-2020.12)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Autumn 2020 colloquia will be held Wednesday on ZOOM at 3:00 p.m.
NO. | Date | Speaker Institute | |
1 | 2020/9/16 | Sylvain Gigan Sorbonne University | |
2 | 2020/9/23 | 赵政国 中国科学技术大学 | |
3 | 2020/9/30 | 何林 北京师范大学 | |
4 | 2020/10/14 | 严以京 中国科学技术大学 | |
5 | 2020/10/21 | 崔伟 清华大学 | |
6 | 2020/10/28 | 朱宗宏 武汉大学 | |
7 | 2020/11/04 | 张未卿 中科院大连化学物理研究所 | |
8 | 2020/11/11 | 万贤纲 南京大学 | |
9 | 2020/11/18 | 许秀来 中国科学院物理研究所 | |
10 | 2020/11/25 | 董春华 中国科学技术大学 | |
11 | 2020/12/02 | ||
12 | 2020/12/09 | 马余刚 复旦大学 | |
13 | 2020/12/16 | ||
14 | 2020/12/23 | 赵刚 中科院国家天文台 |
Colloquia (2019.09-2019.12)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Autumn 2019 colloquia will be held Wednesday in Room 203, Building 5, New Science Buildings at 3:00 p.m.
NO. | Date | Speaker Institute | Host | |
1 | Sep. 18 | Prof. Kai Chang Institute of Semiconductors, CAS | Prof. Jinfeng Jia | |
2 | Sep. 25 | Prof. Yangjian Cai Shandong Normal University | Prof. Xianfeng Chen | |
3 | Oct. 9 | Prof. Cheng Wang City University of Hong Kong | Prof. Yuping Chen | |
4 | Oct. 14 | Prof. Yu Yu Shanghai Jiao Tong University | ||
5 | Oct. 17 | Prof. Daniel Mckinsey University of California Berkeley | Prof. Jianglai Liu | |
6 | Oct. 23 | |||
7 | Oct. 30 | Prof. Nathalie Destouches University of Lyon, University of Saint-Etienne | Prof. Jin Yu | |
8 | Nov. 2 | Prof. Ramon Wyss KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Prof. Yang Sun | |
9 | Nov. 6 | Prof. Kunquan Lu Institute of Physics, CAS | Prof. Yujie Wang | |
10 | Nov. 13 | Prof. Weng Hongming Institute of Physics, CAS | Prof. Weidong Luo | |
11 | Nov. 20 | Prof. Zhichao Ruan Zhejiang University | Prof. Luqi Yuan | |
12 | Nov. 27 | |||
13 | Dec. 4 | Prof. Pu Wang Beijing University of Technology | Prof. Guoqiang Xie | |
14 | Dec. 11 | Prof. Bin Qiao Peking University | Prof. Min Chen | |
15 | Dec. 18 | Prof. Shude Mao Tsinghua University | Prof. Ying Zu | |
16 | Dec. 25 |
Colloquia (2019.03-2019.06)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Spring 2019 colloquia will be held Wednesday in Room 111, Physics Building at 3:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 2:45 p.m.)
NO. | Date | Speaker Institute | Host | |
1 | March 06 | Dr. Kim-Siang Khaw University of Washington | Prof. Liang Li | |
2 | March 13 | Prof. Qiwen Zhan University of Shanghai for Science and Technology | Prof. Xianfeng Chen | |
3 | March 20 | Prof. Jinping Yao Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS | Prof. Luqi Yuan | |
4 | March 27 | Prof. Michel Blanc The Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP), the CNRS and the Universit Paul Sabatier (PRES University of Toulouse) | Prof. Jin Yu | |
5 | April 03 | Prof. Baonian Wan Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, CAS | Prof. Min Chen | |
6 | April 10 | Prof. Jijun Zhao Dalian University of Technology | Prof. Hao Zheng | |
7 | April 17 | Prof. Jian Wang Peking University | Prof. Canhua Liu | |
8 | April 24 | Prof. Michel Davier Universite Paris-Sud 11 | Prof. Haijun Yang | |
9 | May 08 | Prof. Tinggui Wang University of Science and Technology of China | Prof. Ying Zu | |
10 | May 15 | Dr. Jue Shi Hong Kong Baptist University | Prof. Hepeng Zhang | |
11 | May 27 | Prof. Guixin Li Southern University of Science and Technology | Prof. Fangwei Ye | |
12 | May 29 | Prof. Yi Yin Zhejiang University | Prof. Hao Zheng | |
13 | June 05 | Prof. Lifan Wang Texas A&M University | Prof. Yang Sun | |
14 | June 12 | Prof. Zuhui Fan Peking University | Prof. Ying Zu | |
15 | June 19 | Prof. Qi Ouyang Peking University | Prof. Jinfeng Jia and Prof. Xiaoqun Wang | |
16 | June 26 | Prof. Tao Han University of Pittsburgh | Prof. Hongjian He |
Colloquia (2018.09-2019.01)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Autumn 2018 colloquia will be held Wednesday in Room 111, Physics Building at 3:00 p.m.
Date | Speaker | Institute |
Sep. 19 | Prof. Chuanxiang Tang Invited by Prof. Min Chen | Tsinghua University |
Sep. 26 | Prof. Shaoping Zhu | China Academy of Engineering Physics |
Oct. 10 | Prof. Dong Wu Invited by Prof. Yuping Chen | University of Science and Technology of China |
Oct. 17 | Prof. Bingbing Liu | Jilin University |
Oct. 24 | Prof. Vladislav Yakovlev Invited by Dr. Luqi Yuan | Texas A&M University |
Oct. 31 | (cancelled) Prof. Igor Tupitsyn Invited by Prof. Vincent Liu | University of Massachusetts |
Nov. 07 | Dr. Dohun Kim | Seoul National University |
Nov 13 | (16:00-17:00) Prof. Shanhui Fan Invited by Prof. Xianfeng Chen | Stanford University |
Nov. 14 | (14:00-15:00) Prof. Zhengyou Liu
(15:00-16:00, Nov.15) Prof. Mark Chen Invited by Prof. Ke Han | Wuhan University
Queen's University |
Nov. 20 | Prof. Hongwei Zhao Invited by Prof. Yumin Zhao | Institute of Modern Physics, CAS |
Nov. 22 | (13:30-14:30) Prof. Nicoale Panoiu Invited by Prof. Fangwei Ye | University of College London |
Nov. 28 | Prof. Jiawen Xia Invited by Prof. Yumin Zhao | Institute of Modern Physics, CAS |
Dec. 05 | Prof. Taotao Fang Invited by Prof. Ying Zu | Xiamen University |
Dec. 12 | Prof. Jifeng Liu | National Astronomical Observatories, CAS |
Dec. 17 | Prof. John Weeks | University of Maryland |
Dec. 26 | Prof. Haiping Peng Invited by Prof. Haijun Yang | University of Science and Technology of China |
Jan. 02 | Prof. Maohai Xie Invited by Prof. Hao Zheng | University of Hong Kong |
Jan. 16 | Prof. Joel W. Ager Invited by Prof. Shen Wenzhong | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Colloquia (2018.03-2018.09)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Spring 2018 colloquia will be held Wednesday in Room 111, Physics Building at 3:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 2:45 p.m.)
Date | Speaker | Institute |
February 28 | Prof. Shuji Hasegawa Title: Monatomic-layer superconductors Invited by Prof. Canhua Liu | University of Tokyo |
March 14 | Prof. Zhigang Zhang(张志刚) Title: 高能量、高重复频率飞秒激光脉冲产生:问题与挑战 Invited by Prof. Guoqiang Xie | Peking University |
March 21 | Prof. Chuanfeng Li(李传锋) Title:量子纠缠网络 Invited by Prof. Xianfeng Chen | University of Science and Technology of China |
April 04 | Prof. Kwing Lam Chan Title: Microwave Observation of the Moon by Chang’E 1 and 2 Invited by Prof. Xing Wei | Macau University of Science and Technology |
April 11 | Prof. Yunfeng Xiao Title: Ultra-high-Q asymmetric microcavity optics and photonics Invited by Prof. Yuping Chen | Peking University |
April 18 | Prof. Lianmao Peng(彭练矛) Title: 2020年之后的电子学:碳基电子的机遇与挑战 Invited by Prof. Jinfeng Jia | Peking University |
April 25 | Prof. Pu Yu(于浦) Title: Electric Field Control of Ionic Evolution: A Novel Strategy to Re-design Materials Invited by Prof. Weidong Luo | Tsinghua University |
May 02 | Prof. Yehiam Prior Title: Nonlinear Plasmonics Invited by Prof. Jie Chen | Weizmann Institute of Science |
May 09 | Prof. Cai-Dian Lu(吕才典) Invited by Prof. Wei Wang | Institue of High Energy Physics |
May 15 | Prof. Kun Yang Invited by Prof. Xiangjun Xing | Interplay of Topology and Geometry in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids |
May 16 | Prof. Shan Jin Invited by Prof. Haijun Yang | Nanjing University |
May 23 | Prof. Yuefeng Nie Invited by Prof. Canhua Liu | Nanjing University |
May 30 | Prof. Mingliang Tian Invited by Prof. Ying Liu | High Magnetic Field Laboratory, CAS |
June 19 | Prof. Peter Jenni Invited by Prof. Haijun Yang | Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany, and CERN |
June 20 | Prof. Pengfei Chen(陈鹏飞) Invited by Prof. Ying Zu | Nanjing University |
Colloquia (2017.09-2018.01)
Each week during the semester, the School of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Autumn 2017 colloquia will be held Wednesday in Room 111, Physics Building at 3:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 2:45 p.m.)
Date | Speaker | Institute |
Sep. 20 | Prof. Jinlin Han(韩金林) Title: 脉冲星的科学和应用 Invited by Prof. Pengjie Zhang | National Astronomical Observatories, CAS |
Oct. 11 | Prof. Changhe Zhou Title: 大尺寸光栅制造的精密光学技术 Invited by Prof. Yuping Chen | Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS |
Oct. 18 | Prof. Yuhai Jiang Invited by Prof. Feng He | Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS |
Oct. 25 | Prof. Ue-Li Pen Invited by Prof. Pengjie Zhang | Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics |
Nov. 1 | Prof. Fengshou Zhang Invited by Prof. Yumin Zhao | Beijing Normal University |
Nov. 8 | Prof. Yanlin Ye Invited by Prof. Yumin Zhao | Peking University |
Nov. 15 | Prof. Jianming Qian Title: The Higgs Boson - past, present and future Invited by Prof. Haijun Yang | University of Michigan, USA |
Nov. 22 | Prof. Ke Han Invited by Prof. Jianglai Liu | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Nov. 29 | Prof. Yujie Wang Invited by Prof. Kadi Zhu | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Dec. 14 | Prof. Zhengtian Lu Title: Atom Trap, Krypton-81, and Global Groundwater Invited by Prof. Jianglai Liu | University of Science and Technology of China |
Dec. 20 | Prof. Feng Yuan Invited by Prof. Xing Wei | Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS |
Colloquia (2017.03-2017.06)
Each week during the semester, the Department of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Spring 2017 colloquia will be held Wednesday in Room 111, Physics Building at 3:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 2:45 p.m.)
Date | Speaker | Institute |
March 1 | Prof. Serguey T. Petcov Invited by Prof. Ke Han | Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati Nuclear and Particle Physics |
March 8 | Prof. Zhongzhou Ren(任中洲) Title: 新元素和新核素研究评述 Invited by Prof. Yumin Zhao | Nanjing University Nuclear and Particle Physics |
March 15 | Prof. Lei Zhou(周磊) Title: Electromagnetic metasurfaces: physics and applications Invited by Prof. Xianfeng Chen | Fudan University |
March 22 | Prof. Jianqiang Zhu(朱健强) Title: High Power Glass Laser Research progresses in NLHPLP Invited by Prof. Min Chen | Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS Laser Plasmas |
March 29 | Prof. Wanlin Guo(郭万林) Title: 低维材料流电耦合与水蒸发发电 Invited by Prof. Jinfeng Jia | Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Condensed Matter Physics |
April 5 | Prof. Ke Xia(夏钶) Title: 微波腔自旋电子学 Invited by Prof. Jinfeng Jia | Beijing Normal University Condensed Matter Physics |
April 12 | Prof. Lei Chen(陈学雷) Title: Axions and the 3.5 keV line Invited by Prof. Pengjie Zhang | National Astronomical Observatories, CAS Astronomy and Astrophysics |
April 19 | Prof. Ya Cheng(程亚) Title: 空气离子激光:产生与应用 Invited by Prof. Min Chen | Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS Laser Plasmas |
April 26 | Prof. Markus Raschke Invited by Haihua Tao | University of Colorado Optics and Optical Engineering |
May 10 | Prof. Chengzhi Peng Title: 量子信息技术及其应用 Invited by Prof. Xianfeng Chen | University of Science and Technology of China Optics and Optical Engineering |
May 17 | Prof. Yifang Wang(王贻芳) Title: 环形正负电子对撞机(CEPC)——未来我国科学发展的一个重大机遇 Invited by Prof. Haijun Yang | Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Nuclear and Particle Physics |
May 24 | Prof. Hongxing Xu(徐红星) Title: 纳米等离激元光子学中的超灵敏传感和光子回路研究 Invited by Prof. Canhua Liu | Wuhan University Condensed Matter Physics |
May 31 | Prof. J. Michael Kosterlitz Title: Topological Order and Defects, and Phase Transitions in Two Dimensions Invited by Prof. Xiangjun Xing | Brown University Condensed Matter Physics |
June 7 | Prof. Longlong Feng(冯珑珑)
Invited by Prof. Pengjie Zhang | Sun Yat-sen University Astronomy and Astrophysics |
June 14 |
Colloquia (2016.09-2017.01)
Each week during the semester, the Department of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Autumn 2016 colloquia will be held Wednesday in Room 111, Physics Building at 3:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 2:45 p.m.)
Date | Speaker | Institute |
Sep. 14 | Prof. Cheuk-Yin Wong Invited by Prof. Lie-Wen Chen | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Sep. 21 | Prof. Jilin Zhou(周济林) Invited by Prof. Pengjie Zhang | Nanjing University |
Sep. 28 | Prof. Jianmin Wang(王建民) Invited by Prof. Pengjie Zhang | Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS |
Oct. 26 | Prof. Kam Tuen Law Invited by Prof. Jinfeng Jia | HongKong University of Science and Technology |
Nov. 03 | Prof. Luciano Maiani Invited by Prof. Xiangdong Ji | Former CERN Director General Former president of INFN |
Nov. 09 | Prof. Rong Yu(于荣) Invited by Prof. Jinfeng Jia | Tsinghua University |
Nov. 16 | Prof. Yugui Yao Invited by Prof. Jinfeng Jia | Beijing Institute of Technology |
Nov. 23 | Prof. Jian Zheng(郑坚) Invited by Prof. Min Chen | University of Science and Technology of China |
Dec. 07 | Prof. Lijun Wang(王力军) Invited by Prof. Xiaoqun Wang
Prof. Jiansheng Liu(刘建胜) Invited by Prof. Min Chen | Tsinghua University
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS |
Dec. 14 | Prof. Hendrik Schatz Invited by Prof. Yang Sun | Michigan State University, USA |
Dec. 21 | Prof. Dapeng Yu(俞大鹏) Invited by Prof. Jinfeng Jia | Southern University of Science and Technology |
Dec. 28 | Prof. Hongbo Hu(胡红波) Invited by Prof. Haijun Yang |
Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS |
Jan. 04 | Prof. Jin Chang(常进) Invited by Prof. Jianglai Liu | Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS |
Colloquia (2016.03-2016.07)
Each week during the semester, the Department of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Spring 2016 colloquia will be held Wednesday in Room 111, Physics Building at 3:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 2:45 p.m.)
Date | Speaker | Institute |
Mar. 2 | Prof. Yanbei Chen (Caltech) Title: 引力波的发现 Invited by Prof. Liang Li | California Institute of Technology (Astronomy and Astrophysics) |
Mar. 9 | Dr. Yanqing Lu (陆延青) Title: 液晶的一些非显示应用 Invited by Prof. Xianfeng Chen | Nanjing University (Optics and Optical Engineering) |
Mar. 16 | Professor C. Y. Fong Title: Physical properties of half-metallic half-Heusler alloys Invited by Professor Xiaoxu Deng | University of California, Davis (Optics and Optical Engineering) |
Mar. 23 | Professor Shuangnan Zhang (张双南) Title: 引力波与广义相对论之美-美学与科学 Invited by Pengjie Zhang | Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science(Astronomy and Astrophysics) |
Mar. 30 | Professor Wei Bao (鲍威) Title: 轨道序的中子散射研究 Invited by Professor Jingfeng Jia | Renmin University of China (Condensed Matter Physics) |
Apr. 6 | Professor Dieter Vollhardt Title: Surprising effects of the interaction between electrons in solids Invited by Professor Xiaoqun Wang | University of Augsburg, Germany (Condensed Matter Physics) |
Apr. 13 | Professor Yuqiu Gu (谷渝秋) Title: 激光聚变快点火:进展与挑战 Invited by Professor Min Chen | China Academy of Engineering Physics (Optics and Optical Engineering) |
Apr. 20 | Professor Jian Wang (王健) Invited by Professor Jinfeng Jia | Peking University (Condensed Matter Physics) |
Apr. 27 | Professor Ruirui Du Title: Topological Matters in Electron-Hole Double-Layers Invited by Professor Jinfeng Jia | Peking University (Condensed Matter Physics) |
Apr. 27 | Professor Richard McCray Title: Supernova 1987A Invited by Professor Pengjie Zhang | University of California, Berkeley (Astronomy and Astrophysics) |
May. 04 | Professor Lianao Wu Title: One-component quantum mechanics and a universal control theory Invited by Prof. Hang Zheng, Prof. Yang Sun | University of the Basque Country (Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Physics) |
May. 11 | Prof. Wei Gu Title:Iron-based high-temperature superconductors, a new “favorite” family in condensed matter physics Invited by Prof. Xiaoqun Wang | Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Condensed Matter Physics) |
May. 18 | Prof. Shuang Jia Title:外尔半金属TaAs和TaP在磁场下的电输运性质 Invited by Prof. Jinfeng Jia | Peking University (Condensed Matter Physics) |
May. 25 | Prof. Ren-Yuan Zhu (Caltech) Title: The Next Generation of Crystal Detectors for Future High Energy Physics Calorimetry Invited by Prof. Yong Yang | California Institute of Technology (Particle Physics and Cosmology) |
Jun. 08 | Prof. Dong Lai Title: Extreme Exoplanetary Systems: From Hot Jupiters to Tatooine Planets Invited by Prof. Yipeng Jing | Cornell University |
Jun. 15 | Prof. Jingwu Ye Title: Strongly interacting spinor bosons or fermions with spin orbit couplings in lattice systems Invited by Prof. Xiaoqun Wang | Capital Normal University &Mississippi State University (Condensed Matter Physics) |
Jun. 15 | Prof. Shiping Feng Title: 高温超导电性机理研究简介 Invited by Prof. Jinfeng Jia | Beijing Normal University (Condensed Matter Physics) |
Jun. 22 | Prof. Jing Chen Title:物质的光电离---从光电效应到阿秒物理 Invited by Professor Feng He | 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 强激光场与原子分子相互作用 |
Colloquia (2015.09-2016.01)
Each week during the semester, the Department of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear prominent scientists discuss the leading edge of physics research. The Autumn 2015 colloquia will be held Wednesday in Room 111, Physics Building at 3:00 p.m. (preceded by light refreshments at 2:45 p.m.)
Date | Speaker | Institute |
Sep. 23 | Dr. Mingming Yang
Title: "Observation and Measurement of a Standard Model Higgs Boson-like Diphoton Resonance with the CMS Detector"
Invited by Professor Xiangdong Ji | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Particle Physics and Cosmology) |
Sep. 30 | Dr. Jianlan Wu (吴建澜)
Title: "Highly Efficient Energy Transfer in Light-Harvesting Complex"
Invited by Professor Hang Zheng | Zhejiang University
(Condensed Matter Physics) |
Oct. 14 | Professor Zigao Dai (戴子高)
Title: "Short Gamma-Ray Bursts and Mergers of Two Neutron Stars"
Invited by Professor Pengjie Zhang | Nanjing University
(Astronomy and Astrophysics) |
Oct. 21 | Professor Jainendra Jain
Title: Composite fermion Fermi sea: Is the glass half empty or half full?
Invited by Professor Ying Liu | The Pennsylvania State University
(Condensed Matter Physics) |
Oct. 28 | Professor Lifeng Chi
Title: 表面在位化学:物理与化学交集的新型学科
Invited by Professor Jinfeng Jia | University of Muenster
(Condensed Matter Physics) |
Nov. 04 | Professor Ming Liu (刘明)
Title: 阻变存储器技术
Invited by Professor Jinfeng Jia | Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Condensed Matter Physics) |
Nov. 11 | Professor Minghui Lu (卢明辉)
Title: 芯片集成时空对称超构材料
Invited by Dr. Yuping Chen | Nanjing University
(Optics and Optical Engineering) |
Nov. 18 | Professor Xianhui Chen (陈仙辉)
Title: Novel Routes for exploring high-Tc superconductivity in FeSe-derived compounds
Invited by Professor Jinfeng Jia | University of Science and Technology of China
(Condensed Matter Physics) |
Nov. 25 | Professor Yuanning Gao (高原宁)
Title: LHCb实验的近期进展
Invited by Professor Haijun Yang | Tsinghua University
(Particle Physics and Cosmology) |
Dec. 02 | Professor Jun Xu (徐军)
Title: 激活离子强场耦合和局域配位结构调控的概念与实践
Invited by Professor Xianfeng Chen | Tongji University
(Optics and Optical Engineering) |
Dec. 09 | Professor Xiaowei Liu (刘晓为)
Title: LAMOST银河系光谱巡天
Invited by Professor Pengjie Zhang | Peking University (Astronomy and Astrophysics) |
Dec. 16 | Professor Xiangdong Ji (季向东)
Title: 中微子是不是自己的反粒子?
Invited by Professor Haijun Yang | Shanghai Jiao Tong University
(Particle Physics and Cosmology) |
Dec. 23 | Professor Hesheng Chen (陈和生) Title: 中国散裂中子源 Invited by Professor Haijun Yang | Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
(Particle Physics and Cosmology) |
Dec. 30 | Professor Yangjian Cai (蔡阳建) Title: 部分相干光束产生、传输及应用基础 Invited by Dr. Feng He | Suzhou University
(Laser Plasmas) |
Jan. 06 | Professor Yulin Chen(陈宇林) Title: Visualizing Electronic Structures of Topological Quantum Materials Invited by Pro. Jinfeng Jia | University of Oxford
(Laser Plasmas) |