
International Workshop on Particle’s EDM and Implications

日期:2010-05-06 阅读:2176

June 14-16, 2010

Dear Collegues:

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to thank you for agreeing to give talk at participate in the “International Workshop on Particle’s EDM and Implications”, to be held in Shanghai, China from June 14 to June 16, 2010. The workshop is sponsored by the Institute of
Nuclear, Particle, Astronomy and Cosmology (INPAC), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Center for High-Energy Physics (CHEP), Peking University and the China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST). The purpose of the workshop is to discuss recent progress in measuring particle’s EDM and theoretical implications in new physics and cosmology. The participants include senior researchers in the area of particle physics, nuclear physics and cosmology. Topics for this workshop will include electron, neutron, proton, and muon EDM, EDM of atoms and nuclei, and cosmological implications of CP violation.

The further details about this workshop can be found on our website http://www.physics.sjtu.edu.cn/edm2010/. We encourage you to stay for the whole time period. Please feel free to contact any of the organizers for more details. You can also contact Mr.Yu Weixian at SJTU by email: yuweixian1981@126.com for logistics issues.


We look forward to seeing you in Shanghai.

Best regards,


Xiangdong Ji & Mike Ramsey-Musolf
on behalf of the Organizing Committee


Invited Speaker:
Haipeng An (Maryland U.)
Sinya Aoki (Tsukuba U.)
We-Fu Chang (NTHU)
Timothy Chupp (Michigan U.)
John Doyle (Havard)
Jonathan Engel (North Carolina U.)
Tai-Fu Feng (Dalian Tech. U.)
Peter Fierlinger (Munich, Tech. U.)
Brad Filippone (Caltech)
Bjorn Garbrecht (RWTH Aachen)
Xiao-Gang He (SJTU & NTU)
Blayne Heckel (U. of Washington),
Xiangdong Ji (SJTU & Maryland U.)
Yingchuan Li (Wisconsin U.)
Chen-Yu Liu (Indiana U.)
Cheng-Pang Liu (NDHU)
Zheng-Tian Lu (ANL)
Bruce McKellar (Melbourne U.)
Pran Nath (Northeastern U.)
C.J.G. Onderwater (Groningen U.)
M. Ramsey-Musolf (Wisconsin U.)
Adam Ritz (Victoria U.)
Naohito Saito (KEK)
Yannis Semertzidis (BNL)

Max Tegmark (MIT)

Organizing Committee:
Shao-Long Chen, E-mail: shaolong@umd.edu
Brad Filippone, E-mail: bradf@caltech.edu
Xiao-Gang He, E-mail: hexg@phys.ntu.edu.tw
Xiangdong Ji, E-mail: xji@umd.edu
Zheng-Tian Lu, E-mail: lu@anl.gov
Michael Ramsey-Musolf, E-mail: mjrm@physics.wisc.edu


Conference Website:


Online registration is available on the workshop website. The registration fee is USD100 and will be paid in full by cash at the registration desk.

Accommodation and Transportation:
We have reserved hotel rooms at the Academic Exchanges Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, located on campus. Please find more information at the workshop website.

Visa application:
Most international travelers need to obtain a valid visa to enter China. Visas can be obtained from the Chinese Consulate in major cities. In order to get a business visa to enter China, please provide us the following information as soon as possible. We will send you an official invitation letter, which is needed for your visa application.

* A scanned copy of your passport information pages, containing your photo, name, passport number and expiration date of the passport.
* Your title, institution and mailing address
* Expected arrival/departure dates
* The city where you will apply for visa

The same information is required for your accompany person(s), please indicate the relationship with your accompany person(s). Please send the above information to yuweixian1981@126.com (Mr. Weixian Yu).

Travel Information:
You can find more travel information on the workshop website and EXPO 2010 official website: http://en.expo2010.cn/



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