Yejia Chen, Zhiguo Lü*, Yiying Yan, Hang Zheng, Plateau dynamics with quantized oscillations of a strongly driven qubit, Phys. Rev. A102, 053703 (2020).(本科生毕业论文)
Chandra, Zhiguo Lü*, J. Jing, T.Byrnes,Dynamics of quantum coherence in a spin-star system, Phys. Rev. A100, 042333 (2019).
Yiying Yan, Zhiguo Lü*, Junyan Luo, Hang Zheng, Role of generalized parity in the symmetry of the fluorescence spectrum from two-level systems under periodic frequency modulation, Phys. Rev. A100, 013823 (2019).
Yiying Yan, Zhiguo Lü*, Junyan Luo, Hang Zheng, Multiphoton-resonance-induced fluorescence of a strongly driven two-level system under frequency modulation, Phys. Rev. A97, 033817 (2018).
N. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Zhiguo Lü, and Y. Zhao*, Variational Study of the Two-Impurity Spin–Boson Model with a Common Ohmic Bath: Ground-State Phase transitions, Ann. der. Phys.1800120(2018).
Zhiguo Lü, Chunjian Zhao and Hang Zheng, Quantum dynamics of two-photon quantum Rabi model, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 074002(2017).
Zixian Zhou, Zhiguo Lü*, Hang Zheng*, and Hsi-Sheng Goan*, Quantum Zeno and anti-Zeno effects in open quantum systems, Phys. Rev. A96, 032101 (2017).
Yiying Yan, Zhiguo Lü*, Junyan Luo, Hang Zheng*,Effects of counter-rotating couplings of the Rabi model with frequency modulation, Phys. Rev. A96, 033802 (2017).
Zhiguo Lü, Yinying Yan, His-Sheng Goan, and H. Zheng,Bias-modulated dynamics of a strongly driven two-level system, Phys. Rev. A93, 033803(2016).
Y. Yan, Zhiguo Lü, and H. Zheng, Y. Zhao, Exotic fluorescence spectrum of a superconducting qubit driven simultaneously by longitudinal and transversal fields, Phys.Rev. A93, 033812 (2016).
Z. Zhou, Zhiguo Lü, and H. Zheng, Protecting coherence by reservoir engineering: intense bath disturbance, Quantum information Processing15, 3223(2016).
Yinying Yan, Zhiguo Lü, and H. Zheng, Bloch-Siegert shift of the Rabi model, Phys. Rev. A91, 053834(2015).
Yinying Yan, Zhiguo Lü, and H. Zheng, Dynamical effects of counter-rotating couplings on interference between driving and dissipation, Phys. Rev. A 90, 053850 (2014).
Yinying Yan, Zhiguo Lü, and H. Zheng, Effects of counter-rotating-wave terms of the driving field on the spectrum of resonance fluorescence, Phys. Rev. A 88,053821(2013).
Zhiguo Lü, Liwei Duan, Xin Li, P. M. Shenai, and Yang Zhao, Sub-Ohmic spin-boson model with off-diagonal coupling: Ground state properties, J. Chem. Phys.139, 164103 (2013).
Y. Yao,Liwei Duan,Zhiguo Lü,C. Wu,and Y.Zhao, Dynamics of the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model: A comparison of three numerical approaches, Phys. Rev. E88, 023303 (2013).
Hang Zheng, and Zhiguo Lü, Quantum critical point of spin-boson model and infrared catastrophe in bosonic bath, J. Chem. Phys.138, 174117 (2013).
Zhiguo Lü, and Hang Zheng, Effects of counterrotating interaction on driven tunneling dynamics: coherent destruction of tunneling and Bloch-Siegert shift, Phys.Rev.A86, 023831(2012).
Zhiguo Lü, and Hang Zheng, Engineered Tunable Decay Rate and Controllable Dissipative Dynamics with a Dynamical Structure, J. Chem. Phys.136, 121103 (2012). (Communication)
Chunjian Zhao, Zhiguo Lü, and Hang Zheng, Entanglement evolution and quantum phase transition of biased s=1/2 spin-boson model, Phys. Rev. E84, 011114(2011).
Jun Jing, Zhiguo Lü andZbigniew Ficek, Breakdown of the rotating-wave approximation in the description of entanglement of spin anticorrelated states, Phys. Rev. A79,044305 (2009).
Zhiguo Lü and H. Zheng, Non-Markovian dynamical effects and time evolution of the entanglement entropy of a dissipative two-state system, Europhysics Letters86, 60009(2009).
Zhiguo Lü and H. Zheng,Quantum dynamics of the dissipative two-state system coupled with a sub-Ohmic bath, Phys. Rev. B75, 054302 (2007).
Zhiguo Lü and H. Zheng,Effects of lattice fluctuations on Peierls distortion in a one-dimensional Holstein model, Phys. Rev. B69, 134304 (2004).
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