2008-2012 吉林大学,物理学基地班,获得理学学士学位
2012-2017 北京大学,博士研究生,导师:谢心澄院士
2017-2021 斯德哥尔摩大学,博士后研究员,导师:诺贝尔奖得主 Frank Wilczek
2021至今 李政道研究所&物理与天文学院,长聘教轨副教授
真空量子涨落效应 (Vacuum quantum fluctuations)
微腔中光与物质的相互作用理论 (cavity quantum light-matter interactions)
手性超导与超流体 (chiral superconductors and superfluids)
界面量子力学效应 (quantum effects at interfaces)
拓扑物态调控理论 (engineering of topological states of matter)
非平衡态与非厄米量子力学 (non-equilibrium and non hermitan quantum mechanics)
手性费米子的 Imbert-Fedorov位移:我们在凝聚态体系中率先发现了手性费米子的横向 Imbert-Fedorov 位移,并成功揭示了拓扑半金属体系中贝里曲率对杂质散射的影响,给出了拓扑金属的超高迁移率的物理图像。
量子大气效应与手性真空微腔调控理论:我们提出了量子大气效应的概念,并与实验团队合作完成了其可行性验证。此外,我们开创性地探索了利用材料的量子大气来调控量子材料的能带结构、拓扑性质和磁性这个全新的研究方向。(reported by Nature Materials https://www.nature.com/articles/s41563-018-0213-3)
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 12374332, 关于利用微腔调控量子物态的理论研究, 2024-01-01 至 2027-12-31, 在研, 主持
2. 科技部, 科技创新2030-“量子通信与量子计算机重大项目”, 2021ZD0202070401, 费米子哈伯德模型 量子模拟机, 2021-11 至 2026-10, 在研, 参与
3. 上海市科学技术委员会, 上海市浦江人才计划 / A类(科研开发类), 21PJ1405400, 新型界面量子调控, 2021-10 至 2023-09, 结题, 主持
4. 上海交通大学2030计划,WH510363001,量子大气调控,2022-2024,在研,主持
Chiral Quantum Matter (手性量子物质)
1. Cunyuan Jiang, Matteo Baggioli*, and Qing-Dong Jiang*, "Engineering Flat Bands in Twisted-Bilayer Graphene away from the Magic Angle with Chiral Optical Cavities", Physical Review Letters 132, 166901 (2024);
News Reports: https://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/CN/news-notice/research/2024/1203/using-optical-cavity-to-engineer-band-structure-of-materials
2. Yanzhe Ke#, Zhigang Song#, and Qing-Dong Jiang*, "Vacuum-Induced Symmetry Breaking of Chiral Enantiomer Formation in Chemical Reactions", Physical Review Letters 131, 223601 (2023);
News Reports: https://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/EN/customize/1111
3. Qing-Dong Jiang* and Alexander Balatsky, "Geometric Induction in Chiral Superfluids", Physical Review Letters 129, 016801 (2022);
News Reports: https://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/EN/customize/733
4. Qing-Dong Jiang, T. H. Hansson, and Frank Wilczek, “Geometric Induction in Chiral Supercoonductors”, Physical Review Letters, 124, 197001 (2020);
5. Qing-Dong Jiang#, H. Jiang#, H. Liu#, Q.-F. Sun*, and X. C. Xie*, “Topological Imbert-Fedorov Shift in Weyl Semimetals”,Physical Review Letters, 115, 156602 (2015)
Chiral Quantum Vacuum (手性量子真空)
6. Qing-Dong Jiang and Frank Wilczek, “Quantum atmospherics for materials diagnosis”, Physical Review B, 99, 201104 (R) (2019).
News Reports:
Nature Materials: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41563-018-0213-3
Quanta Magazine: https://www.quantamagazine.org/quantum-atmospheres-may-reveal-secrets-of-matter-20180925/
7. Qing-Dong Jiang and Frank Wilczek, “Chiral Casimir Forces: Repulsive, enhanced, tunable”, Physical Review B, 99, 125403 (2019). [Featured in Physics & Editors' Suggestion]
News Reports:
(1) APS Physics: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v12/s26
8. Kehang Zhu, Zhiping Yang, Qing-Dong Jiang*, Zihua Chai, Zhijie Li, Zhiyuan Zhao, Ya Wang, Fazhan Shi, Chang-Kui Duan, Xing Rong*,
Experimental Sensing Quantum Atmosphere of A Single Spin, Quantum Frontiers, 3 (1) (2024)
2024 | 达摩院青橙奖(最具潜力奖) |
2021 | 上海浦江人计划 |
2021 | 上海海外高层次人才 |
2017 | 北京市优秀毕业生 |
2016 | 入选第66届林岛诺贝尔奖获得者大会 |
2016 | 国家奖学金 |
量子力学II (李政道班)
2024-2025 秋季
2021-2022 春, 2022-2023 春, 2023-2024 春
经典力学 (李政道班)
2022-2023 秋季
热力学 (李政道班)
2022-2023 秋季
a) My research area expands from condensed matter theory to quantum photonic theory and the interface between them. The shining point is that chirality gives rise to many amazing quantum effects, which is one of my key interests.
b) I like the famous quote from Weinberg: No one knows everything and you don't have to. As our theoretical physicists, all we care about is whether the problem is interesting. Basically, we could learn everything needed in research. Quite a few undergraduate students have done excellent works (including first author in PRL) in our groups.
c) I can supervise 2 graduate students each year. You could contact me via my email qingdong.jiang AT sjtu.edu.cn. My personal group website is: https://web.tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/qingdongjiang/ Undergraduate students are also welcome to contact me.